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Postpartum Recovery 101


Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Get ready to feel the difference in your body. It's common to experience a lot of postpartum symptoms physically and emotionally but here is the secret.

It is nothing short of a magical experience to grow a baby and no one could ever prepare you for the birthing. It is a moment that is truly unimaginable and exploding with emotions.

Surround yourself with positive people to remind yourself you are doing a great job throughout your pregnancy.


Get ready to feel the difference in your body. It is common to experience a lot of postpartum symptoms physically and emotionally but here is the secret...

Start by falling in love with your body that has helped you give birth to a wonderful baby. Be kind and gentle to yourself. It's important to understand the limiting factors of your body and work.

We Can Versus We Should

Just because we can do something does NOT mean that we should do it. Before resuming workouts and movements that are designed for all men and women, check if your abdominals have recovered sufficiently? If you are showing Diastasis Recti symptoms NOT all movements and exercises are safe. Continuing to ignore the core and engaging in high-intensity exercise can cause a lot of strain on your pelvic floor and will eventually lead to pain and dysfunction.

If you are showing Diastasis Recti symptoms NOT all movements and exercises are safe.


Movements that strain the 'Linea Alba' and can send you down the road of dysfunctions instead of recovery.

You need our A-B-C principle

  • Proper Alignment

  • Efficient Breathing

  • Safe core activation

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